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Prescription for "Perfect Peace"in a World of Chaos & Turmoil

How good of our Perfect God (Matthew 5:48) - Whose way is perfect (Psalm 18:30) -

Who gives us perfect gifts (James 1:17) – to also provide for His creation to have “perfect peace!”

As ladies, when we exclaim over a favored gift, we often squeal in delight, “I love it! It’s perfect!” This is the kind of gift that God provides for His children – His peace is absolutely perfect – it is complete, it is not defective in any way!
The actual Hebrew word for “perfect” in Isaiah 26:3 is "Shalom." Interestingly enough, the Hebrew word for “peace” is also Shalom! This verse is basically saying to us – “You keep him in PEACE, PEACE” whose mind is stayed on You!”

Shalom is a large, encompassing word for the good that comes to the person God favors.

The definition for “Shalom” is to be safe, sound, healthy, and signifies a sense of well-being and harmony both within and without – Completeness, wholeness, peace, health, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, fullness, rest, harmony – the absence of agitation or discord, a state of restful calm without anxiety or stress.

This “Shalom” peace, this “perfect peace” that we have in Christ implies much more than just an end of hostility – this is God’s special word for wholeness and goodness and total satisfaction in life! As seen in John 10:10 – Jesus promises this very concept of abundant life – HE is our Shalom! HE is our Peace! Eph. 2:14-18

The definition of “stay” is: To remain; to continue; to abide. To stop; to stand still. To dwell. To rest; to rely; to confide in; to trust.

When one’s mind and thoughts are "stayed" on Jesus -- leaning on Jesus, centered on Him, trusting in Him – remaining and abiding on the faithful Saviour instead of themselves or their problems – THEN there is perfect peace – Why? Because “he trusteth in thee.” I love the King James Bible and this word “trusteth” – this tense of verb carries with it the essence of a continuing action – In other words, I am presently trusting and I will continue to trust in Him -- This gives my heart perfect peace!

When abiding and trusting, you can talk to Jesus about everything! Be careful” (anxious) “for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

Shalom my friend; rest in Jesus today – keep your thoughts STAYED on Him – continue to TRUST in Him – He is our Peace, our Perfect Peace!

Lydia L. Riley

Seasons Of Life Publications

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